About my city


Jardim is a small city located in the South Ceará – Brazil.
It’s very beautiful and very old, almost two centuries and a little bit progress. The life here seems to walk backwards. It’s difficult to prosper here. How at many places of Brazil, in Jardim the concentration of income is in the hands of few ones. It don’t have factories and it hasn’t work for all.

The city is poor, the political parties don’t have any interest for the progress it . They work only to guarantee the victory in the near elections and to help his supporters.
With a population of about 28 thousand inhabitants, we cannot use cell phone and the telephone conventional line sometimes is awful.

Internet is slow and can access it through two public schools or if you have money you can make a contract with a private provider. The digital exclusion in Jardim is big.
The people waste time watching TV, because in Jardim there aren’t many thing you can do.

In spite of this, Jardim is a good place. The people are very friendly and the nature is wonderful. At night you can see a dark sky with many stars shining. It’s very beautiful.

I love my city.

Comments on: "About my city" (1)

  1. Hi, Grace

    would be good if people knew his work in Jardim, it is very interesting. Disclose, it is very nice. In the world, certainly, someone has seen. I am not the first person. However, I already talked about it and about you for many people.

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